Exterior view of a blue 2020 Porsche 911

What Level of Performance Output is Offered by the 2020 Porsche 911 Models?

2020 Porsche 911 Performance Specifications

The 2020 Porsche 911 is one of the most popular luxury sports cars in the entire automotive industry right now. A big reason why 2020 Porsche 911 models are so popular is because of the terrific performance specifications that they offer. Join the staff here at Porsche of Delaware today as we highlight the tremendous performance output offered by the 2020 Porsche 911 models!

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Exterior view of a gray 2020 Porsche Taycan

How Powerful are the 2020 Porsche Taycan Models?

2020 Porsche Taycan Performance Specifications

The 2020 Porsche Taycan is one of the best luxury electric sedans currently available in the automotive industry. It offers three different models that customers can choose from and each of them offers a different level of performance output! Join our staff here at Porsche of Delaware today as we explore just how powerful the 2020 Porsche Taycan models really are!

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How to remove rust on a vehicle

Nothing makes your vehicle look less appealing than a big rust spot. Unfortunately, rust can really take away from your car’s value. That being said, having rust on your vehicle doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed. In fact, you don;t even need to take your car in to a professional to get it done. There are a few different things you can do to remove rust, and we’ve added a video we found below with some great tips on how to remove rust from your vehicle. It’s not terribly difficult, so check it out! Read the rest of this entry >>

car salesman talking to two people

Get more for your trade-in

How to increase trade-in value on your vehicle

Drivers looking for a new vehicle always have the option to trade in their vehicle. Many drivers are wary of this due to the fact that you never really know what you’ll get out of a trade-in. You have a lot of power in how much your vehicle’s value is worth. Take a look at our blog to learn how to increase the trade-in value on your vehicle. Read the rest of this entry >>