Unlock Powerful Home Charging with Porsche Wall Charger Connect

By Product Expert | Posted in Porsche Technology, Tips and Tricks on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 at 7:36 am
Man charging his Porsche car

Maximizing the Charging Speed of Your Porsche Car with Wall Charger Connect 

Home charging for your Porsche needs to be easy, safe, and fast. The Porsche Wall Charger Connect is just that: a charger which is much more than just a charger but has been designed to deliver power at pace. With 19.2 kW, it’s ready to power you for journeys both short and long. Let’s dive into this blog post by Porsche of Delaware in Newark, DE, to unlock powerful home charging with Porsche Wall Charger Connect. 

Setting Up the Porsche Wall Charger Connect at Home 

Here’s a quick breakdown: 

  • Select the charging location: Choose a place that’s easy to access. 
  • Prepare the electrical setup: Ensure your home’s power system can handle the charger’s load. 
  • Install the charger: Hire an electrician to connect it properly. 
  • Plug in and charge: Once installed, your Porsche is ready to charge. 

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How Fast is the Porsche Wall Charger Connect? 

The main benefits lie in the speed. Output is 19.2 kW for Porsche Wall Charger Connect, so charging time for your car is approximately 4.8 hours from 0 to 80%. This is a huge difference in comparison with standard home chargers. Many more competitors it outperforms and takes an ultra-quality position among its customers who love and appreciate efficiency and speed in the process of the car recharge. Whatever you need: be it a good recharge for daily traveling or for a weekend trip, Porsche Wall Charger Connect will grant you just the power you need to get back on the road with confidence in the shortest period possible. 

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Benefits of At-Home Charging with Porsche Wall Charger Connect 

Home charging is very convenient, as you can charge overnight without having to go out in search of public stations. This saves time while reducing costs. Electricity charges from home are usually cheaper compared to public stations. You can also choose green energy to reduce emissions. 

Want to take your home charging to the next level? Learn more about the Porsche Wall Charger Connect and get your installation scheduled today at Porsche of Delaware in Newark, DE. Our team will help guide you in selecting the right charger for you, and we will walk you through the process of installing it. 

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